New White Paper | The Health of Your Health Plan: Removing Data Silos, Improving Efficiency, and Moving Toward Interoperability in Healthcare

Advance Possibility

Beyond the Data Weeds: Analytics for Stronger Performance Across the Risk Adjustment Lifecycle

blue analytics dashboard
Vijaya Vishwanathan
Director, Product
May 19, 2022

Do you have a clear picture of your data, and tools that allow you to easily identify the most impactful interventions to improve patient care?

We asked this question during our presentation at the 7th Annual RISE Medicaid Managed Care Leadership Summit, and an overwhelming majority of participants — more than 75% — answered “sort of” or “not at all.”

With the sheer volume of healthcare data available today, it’s no surprise that many health plans find themselves in the data weeds, lacking visibility into provider performance and clarity around which members most urgently need care. While risk adjustment is a complex process for all plan types, Medicaid is especially challenging. For one, each state has its own rules, exclusions, coefficients, and calculations, making it difficult to project revenue and schedule targeted care programs. What’s more, Medicaid member data is also very transient and the Medicaid population is rapidly growing — increasing by 15.7 million members during the pandemic alone.

To read the full article, visit RISE.