New White Paper | The Health of Your Health Plan: Removing Data Silos, Improving Efficiency, and Moving Toward Interoperability in Healthcare

Advance Possibility

Implementing Prospective Flows in a Pre-Interoperability World

interoperability in healthcare
July 20, 2023

The healthcare industry is moving towards a standard practice of seamless data exchange among various entities. However, achieving full interoperability presents significant challenges and costs for many organizations. We recently participated in a RISE webinar with InnovaCare Health and discussed how a staged approach offers an alternative strategy to overcome these hurdles and ensure a smoother transition.

Key Points:

  • Gain insights into the current state of interoperability and data-sharing in healthcare.
  • Identify the typical challenges confronted by healthcare organizations during their pursuit of complete interoperability.
  • Delve into the concept of adopting a staged process to attain interoperability through a case study.

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