New White Paper | The Health of Your Health Plan: Removing Data Silos, Improving Efficiency, and Moving Toward Interoperability in Healthcare

Advance Possibility

Risk Adjustment and Value-Based Care: Strategies for Improving Outcomes and Program Performance

hexagonal grid with different healthcare icons in them
October 4, 2022

When it comes to healthcare, you can’t afford to take risks … especially with your RAF score. It’s more important than ever to understand your risk-adjustment program performance.

According to recent studies, risk scores are expected to drop 3-7% in 2021 and 2022. With 81% of health systems likely to accelerate adoption of risk-based payment models, the industry at large will need to reevaluate how risk is handled.

Even if you think you have a solid strategy in place, you might still be missing out on your full reimbursement potential. Download the white paper to learn more about our approach to driving results.

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