New White Paper | The Health of Your Health Plan: Removing Data Silos, Improving Efficiency, and Moving Toward Interoperability in Healthcare

Advance Possibility

The Power of Quality Review: How Auditing Programs Can Enhance Accuracy & Program Outcomes

The Power of A Quality Review
December 5, 2022

In order to broaden the scope and breadth of its audits, CMS has increased its funding for preventing fraud, waste, and abuse from 2021 to 2022. Hence, it’s more crucial than ever for healthcare organizations to code their charts with the highest level of accuracy. Learn how to audit your own vendor and independently determine how well your coding is being completed to go beyond the “gold standard” of 95% correctness.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the impact of current industry/CMS changes.
  • Recognize how structure, content, and delivery work together to affect and develop your program.
  • Examine the significance and application of code quality indicators to support minimizing future financial impact.

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